Foot pain

Pain in one or both feet can be severe, and affect your ability to walk.
What are some of the cause of pain in the foot?
Causes of pain at the back of the foot:
- Plantar fasciitis
- Inflammation of the tough tissue covering at the bottom of your feet
- Bony spurs
- Abnormal bone growths
- More common in people who are flat-footed or have a high arch
- Can be due to wrong footwear, or an abnormal gait
- Fat pad inflammation
- It is a ‘bruise’ that is felt deep to the heel or the ball of the foot
- Usually caused by the impact of jumping
- Feels like you are walking on a pebble
- Bone fracture
- Usually more painful and disabling, unless it is just a ‘hairline’ fracture
- Plantar fasciitis
Causes of pain over the ball of the foot:
- Morton’s neuroma
- Abnormal thickening of the tissue surround the nerves to the toes
- Can have pain and numbness
- More common in women, and can be a result of wearing ill-fitted shoes and high heels
- Sesamoiditis
- Inflammation of the sesamoid bones which are 2 small bones attached only by tendons near the big toe
- Common in runners and ballet dancers
- Metatarsalgia
- Inflammation of the bones called ‘metatarsal’
- Usually as a result from strenuous activities
- Morton’s neuroma
Causes of pain over the arch of your foot
- Plantar fasciitis is the most common cause
- Flat foot aka fallen arch
Causes of pain in the toes
- Bunions
- Bony prominence typically over edge of the big toe
- Hammer-toe
- Usually from muscle imbalance or ill-fitted footwear
- Middle joint of the 2/3/4th toe buckles upwards
- Gout
- Deposition of uric acid crystals at weight-bearing joints commonly lead to pain
- Typically over the big toe
- Claw-toe
- Toe flexes downwards and is unable to extend or straighten
- Usually due to diabetes or nerve damage
- Turf-toe
- A form of sesamoiditis
- Pain felt beneath the big toe
- Arthritis
- Can affect any toe, but usually over the big toe
- Pain and stiffness
- Due to wear and tear of the joint
- Others
- Corns and calluses
- Bunions
Pain in the whole foot:
- Diabetes or other conditions that cause nerve damage
- Chemotherapy
- Unfortunately, chemotherapy can affect nerves anywhere in the body
- Typically, the smaller nerves in the hands and feet are affected
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Osteoarthritis
- Tendinitis:
- inflammation of multiple tendons
- usually related to injury or activity
What are the treatment options for plantar fasciitis?
- Rest
- Stretching exercises
- Simple medications
- Steroid injections
- PRP injections
- Pulse radiofrequency of the irritated nerves
- Surgery